Principal's Message
Hello Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to Whitehall Preparatory and Fitness Academy!
Our mission here at WPFA is to provide an environment where all students have the opportunity to excel in strong academics and have access to the best athletic program focusing on martial arts, soccer and tennis! This focus develops strong minds and strong bodies! Our core instructional program includes Go Math, Imagine it, and Performance Coach. We continue to offer 1:1 student technology allowing us to incorporate many online programs including Study Island, Lexia, ALEKs, and Moby Max which all provide more individualized supports for our students.
On top of our daily focus on academic success, WPFA offers Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS), Responsive Classroom strategies, and daily Character Education Lessons to support the overall growth of our students. We also offer a before and after school program!
Please feel free to reach out to us at 614-324-4585 if you have any questions. I am honored to serve as WPFA’s principal and am here to ensure your child receives the education they deserve.
Yours in Educational Excellence,
Matthew Dolan M. Ed., Principal
Whitehall Preparatory and Fitness Academy”