Performance Academies Ohio Charter Schools
Performance Academies schools are dedicated to the intellectual and physical growth of each student. Our staff are committed to providing classroom instruction and physical education to prepare students for high school and beyond. Find the Performance Academies powered school near you and request information about one of our excellent charter schools.
Columbus Preparatory and Fitness Academy
1258 Demorest Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43204
614-318-0606 (tel)
614-351-9804 (fax)
South Scioto Performance Academy
2200 Winslow Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43207
614-445-7684 (tel)
614-445-7688 (fax)
Eastland Performance Academy
2220 S. Hamilton Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43232
614-318-0602 (tel)
614-577-1933 (fax)
Whitehall Preparatory and Fitness Academy
3474 East Livingston Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43227
614-324-4585 (tel)
614-238-3184 (fax)
Columbus Performance Academy Shepard
873 Walcutt Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43219
614-318-0720 (tel)
614-375-1995 (fax)
Northland Preparatory and Fitness Academy
1875 Morse Road
Columbus, Ohio 43229
614-318-0600 (tel)
614-262-9111 (fax)
Trotwood Preparatory and Fitness Academy
3100 Shiloh Springs Road
Trotwood, Ohio 45426
937-854-4100 (tel)
937-837-9759 (fax)
Mt. Healthy Preparatory and Fitness Academy
7601 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
513-587-6280 (tel)
513-521-4509 (fax)
Middletown Preparatory and Fitness Academy
816 2nd Avenue
Middletown, Ohio 45044
513-424-6110 (tel)
513-424-6121 (fax)
Springfield Preparatory and Fitness Academy
1615 Selma Road
Springfield, Ohio 45505
937-323-6250 (tel)
937-323-6252 (fax)
Toledo Preparatory and Fitness Academy
3001 Hill Ave.
Toledo, Ohio 43607
419-535-3700 (tel)
419-535-3701 (fax)