Supply List

Kindergarten Supply List
Some items such as glue sticks, crayons, pencils, Kleenex and paper towels will need to be replenished throughout the year.
Please mark all items such as: clothes, bags, etc.with your child’s name.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | supply school box |
3 | boxes on Kleenex |
12 | glue sticks |
2 | (4 oz.) bottles of Ehmer’s glue |
3 | packs of crayons (no more than 24) |
2 | containers Clorox wipes |
1 | roll of paper towels |
3 | plastic folders with prongs inside (red, blue and yellow) |
1 | pack of construction paper |
1 | pair of scissors |
1 | box of gallon size Ziploc bags |
1 | box of sandwich Ziploc bags |
2 | bottles of hand sanitizer |
1 | pack of watercolor paint |
1 | box of markers |
1 | pack of playdoh (4 containers) |
1 | container of baby wipes |
1 | (1 ½ inch) 3 ring white binder |
1 | backpack |
1 | (4) pack of dry erase markers |
1 | art smock or old T-shirt for painting & crafts |
1 | bottle of glitter |
1st Grade Supply List
Some items such as glue sticks, crayons, pencils, Kleenex and paper towels will need to be replenished throughout the year.
Please mark all items such as: clothes, bags, etc.with your child’s name.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | Over the ear headphones (no earbuds) |
5 pack | Fine Point Expo Markers |
1 | Craft felt sheet (9x12) for dry erase board |
1 | Wide Ruled Composition Notebook |
1 | Plastic Supply Box |
10 Pack | Washable Crayola Markers |
4 | 24 pack Crayola Crayons |
1 | Full size bookbag (no wheels, must be large enough to fit a 1" binder) |
1 pair | blunt tip student scissors |
8 | Elmer's glue sticks |
1 | Red pocket Folder |
1 | Yellow Pocket Folder |
1 | Blue Pocket Folder |
2 | boxes of Kleenex |
1 | 12 oz Pump hand sanitizer |
2 | large pink erasers |
1 | 1" binder |
2 | White 3x5 index cards |
2 | Clorox disinfecting wipes |
1 Pair | Athletic Shoes for fitness |
2nd Grade Supply List
Please DO NOT send in: colored pencils, markers, pencil sharpeners, spiral notebooks or binders.
White-Out is not permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
2 | packs wide-ruled notebook paper |
48 | standard #2 pencils |
2 | family-size boxes of tissue |
1 | roll of paper towels |
1 | box of quart or gallon Ziplock bags |
2 | packs of small cap erasers |
2 | boxes of crayons (12 pack) |
1 | small (5 oz) bottle of glue or 4 glue sticks |
1 | composition pad/notebook (marbled cover) |
1 | plastic pencil/crayon box to keep in desk |
1 | pair of child’s scissors |
3rd Grade Supply List
It is imperative for students to know their facts to strengthen fact fluency upon recognition. Please get a set of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division flash cards to keep at home for nightly practice. We will be starting with addition facts the first day of school, so it is very important to get them as soon as possible and use them regularly.
White-Out is not permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
4 | folders with pockets & prongs (red, blue, green and yellow) |
2 | composition notebooks |
1 | pack of construction paper |
1 | pencil box |
4 | Packs of #2 pencils (24 pack) |
2 | packs of pencil top erasers |
1 | pair of scissors |
12 | pack of colored pencils |
24 | pack of crayons |
10 | pack of markers |
2 | bottles of glue |
2 | glue sticks |
1 | bottle of hand sanitizer |
2 | boxes of sandwich Ziploc bags |
2 | boxes of tissues |
4 | rolls of paper towels |
4 | boxes of tissues |
1 | healthy snack to share during daily silent reading (pretzels, pretzel rods, sun chips or fruit snacks) |
4th Grade Supply List
# |
Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
Personal School Supplies: | |
1 | set of dividers (set of 8 dividers) |
1 | economy binder (1 ½ inch) |
1 | composition notebook |
2 | heavy duty plastic 2 pocket folders (for homework) |
1 | 24 pack of crayola crayons |
1 | pair of scissors |
1 | spiral notebook (at least 70 pages) |
1 | headphone set or headphone buds (found at any local dollar store or dollar tree) |
Essentials for Classroom: (please see Dollar Tree or Family Dollar for items below) |
4 | boxes of tissues |
2 | box of sandwich bags (girls)-no zip close or fold over |
2 | box gallon bags (boys)-no zip close or fold over |
1 | pack of construction paper |
1 | pack of construction paper |
1 | 24 pack of #2 pencils (wooden only NO MECHANICAL PENCILS) |
2 | packs of dry erase markers (multi-color) |
2 | glue sticks |
4 | boxes of fruit snacks and/or granola bars |
**No school boxes please. Teacher will provide pencil pouch for each student.**
White-Out is not permitted.
5th Grade Supply List
# |
Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
– | #2 pencils (generous supply-students need and use pencils daily) |
1 | eraser-a large pink eraser or individual pencil topper erasers |
1 | scissors-a small blunt scissor |
1 | Elmer’s glue or 2-4 glue sticks |
1 | small pencil case to hold supplies |
1 | plastic ruler-must show inches and centimeters |
3 | protractor |
4 | spiral notebooks – 70 count wide rule |
1 | composition notebook – black and white hard covered notebook |
1 | box of crayons – 16 or 24 count |
1 | box of colored pencils – 12 count |
1 | box of colored markers |
4 | folders – different colors for different subjects |
1 | highlighter |
1 | baby wipes – use after fitness class |
2 | rolls of paper towels |
3 | boxes of tissues |
3 | packs of 5 holed loose leaf paper (wide rules) |
1 | pack of construction paper (multi-colored) |
During the year students will also need materials for projects. This may include the following: | |
1 | poster board for science project |
1 | show box for diorama |
Each student needs a pencil box (listed above) and the following requested supplies should fit in box: pencils, crayons and/or colored pencils, scissors, erasers & markers. They will be taking the school box from classroom to classroom.
White-Out is not permitted.
Middle School Supply List (6-8 Grade)
# |
Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | box of colored pencils |
5 | packs #2 pencils (50 pencils total) |
1 | pack highlighters (any color) |
4 | pocket folders WITH PRONGS |
5 | spiral-bound notebooks |
4 | packs of dividers (for three-ring binders) |
5 | Spiral bound notebooks |
3 | packs notebook paper (also called ‘loose leaf’ or ‘filler’ paper) |
2 | packs index cards (lined, preferably) |
1 | pencil bag (zipper only –pencil boxes not permitted) |
1 | pack of markers (washable) |
1 | package construction paper |
2 | pair metal tip scissors |
2 | bottles hand sanitizer (unscented please) |
Choose 2 of the following:
3 | boxes Kleenex tissues |
4 | glue sticks |
1 | stick of deodorant (for fitness) |
White-Out is not permitted.