Supply List

All supplies will be collected and stored for student use.
Kindergarten Supply List
All Students will receive a planner/agenda book for the school year.
Please mark all items such as: clothes, bags, etc.with your child’s name.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | pencil box |
1 | bottle of glue ( not glue sticks) |
2 | pkg. of baby wipes |
2 | boxes of tissues |
3 | pair of scissors (rounded tips) |
1 | pkgs. Of #2 pencils (plain only please) |
1 | paint shirt (old shirt will do) |
4 | large pink eraser |
1 | containters of play dough |
1 | book bag |
2 | pkg. of Post it notes |
1 | dry erase markers |
1 | set of water colors |
1 | Last names beginning with A-L box of zip-lock gallon size bags |
1 | Last names beginning with M-Z box of zip-lock sandwich size bags |
*NO Markers. |
1st Grade Supply List
All Students will receive a planner/agenda book for the school year.
Please mark all items such as: clothes, bags, etc.with your child’s name.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | Over the ear headphones (no earbuds) |
5 Pack | Fine Point Expo Markers |
1 | Craft felt sheet (9x12) for dry erase board |
1 | Wide Ruled Composition Notebook |
1 | Plastic Supply Box |
10 Pack | Washable Crayola Markers |
4 | 24 pack Crayola Crayons |
1 | Full size bookbag (no wheels, must be large enough to fit a 1" binder) |
1 Pair | blunt tip student scissors |
8 | Elmer's glue sticks |
1 | Red pocket Folder |
1 | Yellow Pocket Folder |
1 | Blue Pocket Folder |
2 | boxes of Kleenex |
1 | 12 oz Pump hand sanitizer |
2 | large pink erasers |
1 | 1" binder |
2 | White 3x5 index cards |
2 | Clorox disinfecting wipes |
1 Pair | Athletic Shoes for fitness |
2nd Grade Supply List
All Students will receive a planner/agenda book for the school year.
Please mark all items such as: clothes, bags, etc.with your child’s name.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | box of 24 crayons |
4 | pkgs. of #2 pencils (no designs) |
4 | glue sticks |
5 | boxes of tissues |
2 | rolls of paper towels |
1 | wide ruled spiral notebook |
4 | 2 pocket folders with fasteners |
1 | box of washable markers |
2 | yellow highlighters |
1 | pkg. colored pencils |
2 | large erasers |
1 | pkg. pencil top erasers |
1 | zippered pencil bag |
1 | pair of scissors (pointed) |
1 | set of watercolor paints with brush |
2 | pkg. colored construction paper |
1 | pkg. white construction paper |
1 | clip board |
1 | composition note book |
4 | tablets of 2nd grade primary paper |
1 | box of sandwich size zip-lock bags |
1 | box of gallon size zip-lock bags |
2 | pkgs of baby wipes |
4 | container of play dough |
3rd Grade Supply List
All Students will receive a planner/agenda book for the school year.
White-Out is not permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | box of 24 crayons |
2 | pkgs. of 12 count #2 papermate pencils (no designs) |
2 | glue sticks |
3 | pkgs. of wide ruled loose-leaf notebook paper |
1 | pkg. of dry erase markers |
1 | highlighters (yellow only) |
1 | boxes of washable markers |
1 | box of 24 count colored pencils |
1 | pkg. of pencil top eraser |
2 | big pink erasers |
1 | pair scissors |
1 | 12 inch hard ruler with cm (centimeters) |
1 | pkg. of white construction paper |
1 | pkg. of colored construction paper |
1 | 1 inch 3-ring binder |
1 | pkg. 3×5 ruled index cards (100 count) |
8 | 2 pocket folders (2 yellow, 2 red, 2 purple and 2 green) |
1 | box sandwich size zip-lock bags |
1 | box gallon size zip-lock bags |
1 | zippered pencil bag (no pencil boxes) |
5 | boxes of tissues |
2 | rolls of paper towels |
1 | clorox wipes |
2 | notebooks (1 composition & 1 writing) |
4th Grade Supply List
All Students will receive a planner/agenda book for the school year.
White-Out is not permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
4 | pkgs. of 20 count #2 pencils |
2 | bottles of glue |
4 | pkgs. of wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper |
1 | pkgs. of colored pencils |
1 | pkgs. of pencil top erasers |
1 | large pink eraser |
1 | zippered pouch for pens and pencils |
1 | small supply box |
1 | pair scissors |
2 | highlighters (2 different colors) |
1 | pkg. of washable color markers |
2 | subject spiral notebooks |
1 | pen (for grading-any color) |
1 | box of crayons |
1 | ruler |
1 | dictionary (large print, non-abridged, NO POCKET DICTIONARIES) |
1 | Thesaurus |
2 | 2” 3-ring binders |
8 | 2 pocket folders |
1 | set of tab dividers for 3-ring binders |
2 | pkgs. construction paper (assorted colors) |
2 | boxes of tissues |
1 | roll of paper towels |
5th - 8th Grade Supply List
All Students will receive a planner/agenda book for the school year.
White-Out is not permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
2 | pkgs. 12 count #2 pencils |
1 | pkg. of blue or black pens |
1 | pkg. pencil top eraser |
2 | pkgs. of loose leaf notebook paper (college ruled) |
3 | 1” 3-ring binders |
3 | sets of tab dividers for 3 ring binders |
8 | 2 pocket folders |
2 | highlighters yellow |
1 | ruler |
1 | mathematical compass |
1 | mathematical protractor |
1 | calculator (check with the school office before purchasing) |
1 | pair scissors |
1 | glue sticks |
1 | pkg. of colored pencils |
1 | zippered pouch for pencils and pens |
1 | dictionary (large print, non-abridged, NO POCKET DICTIONARIES) |
1 | thesaurus |
1 | pkg. dry erase markers |
2 | boxes tissues |
2 | rolls of paper towels |
1 | container of baby wipes |