Principal's Message


Dear Students, Staff and Families,
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! My name is Mrs. Krieger, and I am honored to be Springfield Preparatory and Fitness Academy’s principal. Our mission is to provide a first rate academic and fitness program to develop students’ strong minds and strong bodies in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. Our program emphasizes math, reading, writing, science and citizenship, as well as tennis, martial arts, soccer and sports psychology and physiology in an extended school day environment.

Our school’s number one priority is the education of our students. To ensure success for everyone involved, SPFA and families are expected to uphold a standard of excellence as follows:

  • Be to school on time – every day!! School begins at 8:00 AM. Any arrival time later will be counted as tardy!
  • Learning takes place ALL day! School does not finish until 3:30 PM. Please refrain from early pick-ups, unless you have an absolute emergency.
  • Our ten simple Successful School-Wide Behaviors foster consistency and success:
    • Work quietly
    • Raise your hand
    • Keep hands and feet to self
    • Remain quiet in hallways
    • Remain quiet during transitions
    • Get ready for class promptly
    • Accept feedback without talking back
    • Be kind: keep negative comments to self
    • Complete and turn in ALL homework
    • Wear uniform

SPFA offers Positive Behavior Supports, Responsive Classroom techniques, and Daily Character Education Lessons to support our mission. All students are very excited for the opportunity to earn Dragon Dollars for following the successful school behaviors, and they are also aware of the Code of Conduct consequences that must follow in the event that any rules are broken. We are also thrilled to announce that we are 1:1 with our student technology allowing us to incorporate many online programs.

We believe students are the most successful when everyone who is involved in their development works together to support them with accountability and celebration when goals are met! I look forward to a great school year. We appreciate the support and encouragement from our families and community! Please feel free to reach out to us at 937-323-6250, if you have any questions or wish to enroll!

Yours in educational excellence,
Mrs. Krieger

Principal's Message