Supply List

All supplies will be collected and stored for student use.
Kindergarten Supply List
Soccer Shin Guards • Soccer Socks • Youth Sized Tennis Racquet
Please be sure to have a set of supplies at home for daily homework assignments.
These supplies should include crayons, scissors, glue and pencils.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | Book Bag |
2 | Pack #2 pencils (12) |
6 | Box (24) Crayons |
1 | Watercolor Paints |
8 | Glue Sticks |
2 | Bottle of Glue |
2 | Box of Kleenex |
2 | Rolls of Paper Towels |
1 | Bottle of Hand Sanitizer |
2 | Pairs of scissors |
1 | Mouth Guard |
Students with last name beginning with A-L | |
1 | Box Ziploc sandwich bags |
1 | Small bottle of Hand Sanitizer ( in addition to one above) |
Students with last name beginning with M-Z | |
1 | Box Ziploc Gallon Bags |
1 | Box Clorox Wipes |
1st Grade Supply List
Optional but Highly Recommended:
Soccer Shin Guards • Soccer Socks • Youth Sized Tennis Racquet
Write your child’s name on everything including the inside of his/her school clothes.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | Over the ear headphones (no earbuds) |
5 Pack | Fine Point Expo Markers |
1 | Craft felt sheet (9x12) for dry erase board |
1 | Wide Ruled Composition Notebook |
1 | Plastic Supply Box |
10 Pack | Washable Crayola Markers |
4 | 24 pack Crayola Crayons |
1 | Full size bookbag (no wheels, must be large enough to fit a 1" binder) |
1 Pair | blunt tip student scissors |
8 | Elmer's glue sticks |
1 | Red pocket Folder |
1 | Yellow Pocket Folder |
1 | Blue Pocket Folder |
2 | boxes of Kleenex |
1 | 12 oz Pump hand sanitizer |
2 | large pink erasers |
1 | 1" binder |
2 | White 3x5 index cards |
2 | Clorox disinfecting wipes |
1 Pair | Athletic Shoes for fitness |
2nd Grade Supply List
Optional but Highly Recommended:
Soccer Shin Guards • Soccer Socks • Youth Sized Tennis Racquet
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | book bag |
1 | Pencil Box |
1 | boxes of Crayons (box of 24) |
1 | box of Markers |
2 | packs of #2 pencils |
3 | Hi-Liters (different colors) |
6 | pocket folders |
2 | three ring binders |
3 | packs of wide-ruled notebook paper |
2 | packs of white index cards (3×5) |
1 | pair of Metal Scissors |
1 | Glue |
2 | Boxes of Kleenex |
2 | Rolls of paper towels |
1 | Clorox wipes |
2 | packs of divders |
2 | packs of post-its |
1 | Mouth Guard |
3rd Grade Supply List
Soccer Shin Guards • Soccer Socks • Youth Sized Tennis Racquet
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | book bag |
2 | box of Crayons (box of 24) |
1 | pack of red pens |
1 | pack of colored pencils |
4 | pack of number #2 pencils |
1 | pack Hi-Liters (Varous colors) |
6 | pocket folders |
3 | spiral bound wide-ruled notebook (single subject) |
4 | packs of wide-ruled notebook paper |
1 | plastic, zippered pencil holder |
1 | pair of metal-tip scissors |
2 | Glue Stick |
1 | ruler (inches & centimeters) |
4 | boxes of Klennex |
2 | rolls of paper towels |
1 | Thesauris (Can be ourchased at the Dollar Store) |
1 | Dictionary (Can be ourchased at the Dollar Store) |
1 | Hand held pencil sharpener |
2 | Baby wipes |
1 | Large eraser |
1 | Large gallon bags (A-J) |
1 | Sandwich bags (K-Z) |
1 | Mouth Guard |
4th Grade Supply List
Optional but Highly Recommended:
Sports bras for ladies • Soccer Socks • Soccer Shin Guards • Youth Sized Tennis Racquet
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | Book Bag |
1 | Box of Crayons (16) |
1 | Boxes of Markers Washable |
6 | Packs of number #2 pencils |
1 | Box of Colored Pencils |
5 | Wide Ruled Composition Books |
4 | Packs of Wide-Ruled Notebook Paper |
2 | Packs of White Index Cards (3×5) |
2 | Packages of Dry Erase Markers |
1 | pkg Pencil Cap Erasers |
1 | 1 1/2″ binder |
4 | Folders with holes (to put in binders) |
6 | Boxes of Kleenex |
2 | Roll of Paper Towels |
1 | Pack Clorox/disinfectant wipes |
1 | Mouth Guard |
1 | Box of One Gallon Plastic Bags |
1 | Box of Sandwich Bags |
5th Grade Supply List
Optional but Highly Recommended:
Sports bras for ladies • Soccer Socks • Soccer Shin Guards • Youth Sized Tennis Racquet
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | Book Bag |
1 | Box of Markers |
1 | Boxes of Colored Pencils |
8 | Packs of #2 pencils |
1 | Hi-Liters |
2 | Red ink pens |
4 | Pocket folders with holes (to put in binder) |
1 | 1 1/2″ binder |
4 | Packs of wide-ruled notebook paper |
3 | Composition Books |
1 | Packs of white index cards (3×5) |
1 | Plastic, Zippered Pencil Holder (NO PENCIL BOXES) |
5 | Boxes of Kleenex |
3 | Roll of Paper Towels |
1 | Thesaurus |
1 | Collegiate/Intermediate Dictionary |
1 | Mouth Guard |
6th - 8th Grade Supply List
White-Out is not permitted.
Optional but Highly Recommended:
Sports bras for ladies • Soccer Socks • Soccer Shin Guards • Youth Sized Tennis Racquet
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | Book Bag |
1 | Box of Crayons (Box of 16) |
1 | Box of Colored Pencils |
6 | Packs of #2 Pencils |
1 | Pkg Markers 8 or 10 Pack |
3 | Hi-Liters |
1 | Box of Pens (different Colors) |
1 | Protractor |
6 | Pocket Folders |
1 | 3-ring Binders Notebook |
4 | Spiral Bound Wide-Ruled Notebooks |
4 | Packs of Wide-Ruled Notebook Paper |
3 | Composition Books |
1 | Packs of White Index Cards (3×5) |
1 | Plastic, Zippered Pencil Holder (NO PENCIL BOXES) |
1 | Pair of Metal Tip Scissors |
1 | Elmer’s Glue |
1 | Pencil Sharpener |
1 | Ruler (inches & centimeters) |
4 | Boxes of Kleenex |
4 | Rolls of Paper Towels |
1 | Thesaurus |
1 | Collegiate/Intermediate Dictionary |
1 | Library Card |
1 | Mouth Guard |