
Bus transportation is available for Northland Performance Academy students each day. We have contracted with two local bus companies and parents (or other responsible adults) need to schedule pickup and drop off for their children. The bus company will let you know what time your children need to be ready to meet the bus in the morning and what time they will be dropped off at the end of the school day. Please check with the bus company about service availability for before- and after-school activities. You will also need to notify the bus company if your child is going to be absent from school or if they are being picked up early by a parent, guardian, or another relative 


The bus companies follow Northland Performance Academy’s schedule for in-service days, breaks, and holidays. The same protocol applies when classes are canceled due to inclement weather. Please make sure that our office has your current contact information so we can notify you of school closures or other changes in the schedule. 


Bus companies –

Columbus Public Schools: 614-365-5074

First Student: 614-253-1866


Northland Performance Academy offers bus services so that all students can get to and from school safely each day. Each bus company has its own rules for conduct and it is expected that students will comply with them to ensure an uneventful ride for all onboard. Parents, guardians, or other family members can do their part by making sure students are at the bus stop on time so they don’t miss breakfast or their first class. We want all students to begin and end each day on a positive note, including their rides to and from school.