Supply List

Kindergarten Supply List
All pens will be returned home with student
Please label all supplies.
White-Out is not permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | book bag |
2 | boxes of thin Crayola crayons (24 count) |
2 | package of thick Crayola crayons |
4 | boxes of Crayola markers |
6 | package of #2 pencils (12) |
4 | dry erase markers |
1 | package of handwriting paper |
4 | pocket folders with center fasteners4 pocket folders with center fasteners |
2 | sets Prang/Crayola water color paint |
2 | package multicolor construction paper |
1 | pair of round tip metal scissors |
10 | glue sticks |
4 | boxes of tissues |
4 | rolls of paper towels |
2 | bottles of hand sanitizer – large with pump |
2 | package baby wipes |
1 | box Ziploc small sandwich bags (last name A – M) |
1 | box Ziploc large bags (last name N – Z) |
1 | inexpensive pair of headphones (can be purchased at Dollar Store) in Ziplock bag with child’s name |
1 | old shirt to be used as art smock |
1st Grade Supply List
Please label all supplies.
White-Out is not permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | Over the ear headphones (no earbuds) |
5 Pack | Fine Point Expo Markers |
1 | Craft felt sheet (9x12) for dry erase board |
1 | Wide Ruled Composition Notebook |
1 | Plastic Supply Box |
10 Pack | Washable Crayola Markers |
4 | 24 pack Crayola Crayons |
1 | Full size bookbag (no wheels, must be large enough to fit a 1" binder) |
1 Pair | blunt tip student scissors |
8 | Elmer's glue sticks |
1 | Red pocket Folder |
1 | Yellow Pocket Folder |
1 | Blue Pocket Folder |
2 | boxes of Kleenex |
1 | 12 oz Pump hand sanitizer |
2 | large pink erasers |
1 | 1" binder |
2 | White 3x5 index cards |
2 | Clorox disinfecting wipes |
1 Pair | Athletic Shoes for fitness |
2nd Grade Supply List
All pens will be returned home with student
Please label all supplies.
White-Out is not permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | book bag |
1 | 1 pencil bag/box |
3 | 3 boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count) |
2 | 2 boxes of Crayola markers |
8 | 8 packages of #2 pencils |
— | Erasers – hand held and pencil top |
4 | 4 dry erase markers |
1 | 1 sock to use as eraser for dry erase board |
5 | 5 pocket folders (1 red, yellow, orange, green, and blue) |
5 | 5 spiral bound wide rule notebooks |
2 | 2 packages of white index cards (3 x 5) |
4 | 4 packs of wide rule notebook paper |
2 | 2 packs handwriting paper |
1 | 1 pair of round tip metal scissors |
8 | 8 glue sticks |
2 | 2 bottles Elmer’s glue |
5 | 5 boxes of tissues |
3 | 3 rolls of paper towels |
2 | 2 bottles of hand sanitizer – large with pump |
2 | 2 packages baby wipes |
1 | 1 box Ziploc small sandwich bags (last name A – M) |
1 | 1 box Ziploc large sandwich bags (last name N – Z) |
3rd Grade Supply List
All pens will be returned home with student
Please label all supplies.
White-Out is not permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | book bag |
1 | pencil bag |
2 | box of Crayola crayons (24 count) |
1 | box of Crayola markers |
4 | dry erase markers |
1 | sock to use with dry erase board |
6 | packages of #2 pencils |
6 | pocket folders (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 purple, 1 yellow, 1 orange) |
6 | spiral bound single subject wide rule notebooks (1 red,1 blue,1 green,1 purple,1 yellow,1 orange) |
1 | pair of point tip metal scissors |
6 | glue sticks |
2 | bottles Elmer’s glue |
1 | package colored pencils |
4 | boxes of tissues |
4 | rolls of paper towels |
2 | bottles of hand sanitizer – large with pump |
1 | package baby wipes |
1 | Inexpensive headphone (can be purchased at the Dollar Store –place in Ziploc bag with child’s name) |
1 | box Ziploc small sandwich bags (last name A – M) |
1 | box Ziploc large sandwich bags (last name N – Z) |
4th Grade Supply List
White-out is NOT permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | black 3 ring binder (1inch) |
1 | package of 8 tab dividers |
1 | box of Crayola crayons (16) |
6 | package colored pencils |
2 | packages of #2 pencils |
1 | large eraser |
1 | package of pens (blue or black) |
1 | package red pens |
6 | pocket folders (1 each yellow, orange, blue, green, purple, red) |
1 | take home folder any design |
– | Last names A-L: 2 package of white index cards (3×5) |
– | Last names M-Z: 2 packages of white index (4×6) |
3 | packs of wide ruled notebook paper |
1 | package of multi-colored construction paper |
1 | pack of dry erase markers |
3 | highlighters yellow |
1 | pair of point tip metal scissors |
1 | ruler – inches and centimeters |
3 | composition notebooks |
6 | glue sticks |
1 | bottle Elmer’s glue |
1 | box of tissues |
2 | rolls of paper towels |
– | Last names A-L: 2 packages of baby wipes |
– | Last names M-Z: 1 bottles of hand sanitizer – large with pump |
1 | box gallon – sized Ziploc plastic bags |
1 | box sandwich – sized Ziploc plastic bags |
5th Grade Supply List
White-out is NOT permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | box of Crayola crayons (16) |
1 | package colored pencils |
1 | box of Crayola markers |
4 | packages of #2 pencils |
1 | package of pens (blue or black) |
1 | package red pens |
4 | pocket folders (1 each yellow, orange, blue, green) |
1 | take home folder any design |
2 | package of white index cards (3×5) |
4 | packs of college ruled notebook paper |
8 | dry erase markers |
2 | highlighters yellow |
1 | pair of point tip metal scissors |
1 | ruler – inches and centimeters |
4 | spiral notebooks (colors to match pocket folders) |
8 | glue sticks |
1 | bottles Elmer’s glue |
1 | protractor |
1 | compass |
2 | boxes of tissues |
2 | rolls of paper towels |
2 | bottles of hand sanitizer – large with pump |
1 | box gallon – sized Ziploc plastic bags |
1 | box sandwich – sized Ziploc plastic bags |
6th, 7th, 8th Grade Supply List
White-out is NOT permitted.
# | Supply items students will need to bring to the classroom |
1 | box of markers |
1 | package colored pencils |
4 | packages of #2 pencils |
2 | package of pens (blue or black) |
1 | package red pens |
4 | pocket folders (1 each yellow, orange, blue, green) |
3 | spiral bound notebooks (these should match the pocket folders) |
1 | 4 subject notebook (it needs to match one of the pocket folders) |
1 | package of white index cards (3×5) |
4 | packs of college ruled notebook paper |
1 | pair metal scissors |
4 | glue sticks |
4 | boxes of tissues |
3 | rolls of paper towels |
1 | dictionary |
2 | bottles of hand sanitizer – large with pump |
1 | box gallon – sized Ziploc plastic bags |
1 | box sandwich – sized Ziploc plastic bags |
1 | Texas Instrument TI-30XIIS calculator |